What We Do Together
From Bible study and fellowship to prayer and serving, this is what we do in weekly gatherings.
Explore Our Ministries
Membership at Sylvania is about growing together in love for Christ, love for each other, and in our committment to making disciples. And this is mission-critical for all members—regardless of their age.
Small Groups
The overwhelming majority of our members meet regularly in each others’ homes for dinner, fellowship, and Bible study. If you’d like to learn more (or get connected to a small group), contact our small group team.
Sunday School
Sunday School compliments our small group ministry in that Sunday school really is an “education hour.” These classes exist to help our people grow in their knowledge of God through His Word. There are numerous class options for adults and age-specific classes from birth through high school. Join us Sundays at 9:00 am!
Our men meet at Sylvania for Bible study every Thursday morning at 6:00 am-7:00 am. Learn more about our men’s ministry.
The women of Sylvania meet for Bible study in the fall and spring from 9:30 am – 11:00 am on Wednesdays. Childcare is available upon request.
The college ministry of Sylvania Church meets at 9am for Sunday school and also for dinner, fellowship, and Bible study from 6:00 pm-8:00 pm on Sunday nights during the fall and spring semesters.
Students / Youth
The youth ministry of Sylvania meets for Bible study at 9am every Sunday and for worship at 6pm every Wednesday. And there’s always other stuff going on. Contact our youth pastor, Jarrin Peeples, to learn more!
The elementary school ministry of Sylvania Church meets year round on Sundays at 9am and Wednesdays at 6pm. Join us!
Preschool & Nursery
The preschool & nursery ministry is not merely childcare—our aim is to model Christ-likeness, teach & memorize God’s Word, and learn gospel-centered songs in age-appropriate ways.
Want to Know More? Get in Touch.
We’re happy to answer questions, connect you to ministry leaders, etc. Just let us know!
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