Getting Started
In this post, I want to provide a quick and concise reference guide to the major “end-times” views. There won’t be any criticisms given of any of these views at this time. This list will consist of brief definitions with some helpful links for further study and research. These views are listed below in alphabetical order. The definitions are taken from Wayne Grudem’s Systematic Theology.
Definitions of End-Times Positions
- Amillennialism – The view that there will be no literal thousand-year bodily reign of Christ on earth prior to the final judgment and eternal state; on this view, scriptural references to the millennium in Revelation 20 actually describe the present church age.
- Dispensational Premillennialism – Another term for “pretribulational premillennialism.” The term “dispensational” (defined below) is used because most proponents of this view wish to maintain a clear distinction between the church and Israel, with whom God deals under different arrangements, or “dispensations.”
- Dispensationalism – A theological system that began in the nineteenth century with the writings of J.N. Darby. Among the general doctrines of this system are the distinction between Israel and the church as two groups in God’s overall plan, the pretribulational rapture of the church, the future literal fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies concerning Israel, and the dividing of biblical history into seven periods, or “dispensations,” of God’s ways of relating to His people.
- Historic Premillennialism – The view that Christ will return to earth after a period of great tribulation and then establish a millennial kingdom. At this time, believers who have died will be raised from the dead, and believers who are alive will receive glorified resurrection bodies, and both will reign with Christ on earth for a thousand years.
- Postmillenialism – The view that Christ will return to earth after the millennium. In this view, the millennium is an age of peace and righteousness on the earth, brought about by the progress of the gospel and the growth of the church.
- Preterism – (As defined by Dictionary of Theological Terms) “A method of interpreting the book of the Revelation as a description of conditions in the 1st century A.D. Preterists see the book as a protest in apocalyptic terms against the tyranny of imperial Rome, not as a prophecy of end-time conditions and events.”
The following links are to articles or books that can give greater insight into each of the above-listed views.
- Three Views on the Millennium
- The Bible and The Future
- A Case for Historic Premillennialism
- Dispensationalism
- Postmillennialism Made Easy
- Riddleblog (A great resource for audio lectures from an amillennial perspective)
- An Evening of Eschatology: With John Piper, Doug Wilson, Jim Hamilton, and Sam Storms – A great video presentation showing how people can hold differing views and still love each other in the gospel.
Thank you for the review of the views on end times
I truly enjoyed this journey through the Bible
Interesting Bible study
I enjoyed this study but I often wished for a slower pace that would allow me to savior all the insight. Maybe a Two year version.
I completely agree! I would love more time so I could dive into all of the Show Notes and have more time to study them. Of course we always have the option of just taking our time to study and going at our own pace and I am thinking that is what I will do in 2025. I am completing year #2 of the Bible Recap. Enjoy!
Thanks to the Bible Recap Team. Reading the Bible from beginning to end was my 2024 New Year’s resolution. I’m so excited to say that after tomorrow, I will have completed the plan! It was such a joy doing so!
I’m on track to have read the whole Bible this year! Thank you so much Tara and the Biblerecap team! Looking forward to reading through it again in 2025!
I loved the Bible recap . Plan to read again next year but with study book .
My brother introduced me to TBR. It’s changed my life forever. I’m restarting and will continue to restart for all the days I’m on this earth. My children and all my family are doing it as well. Thank you to everyone who put their time and effort into this plan. I know the LORD is so proud. The amount of people that this has brought to Jesus is astounding.
Revelation is no longer scary to me because I know, HE’S WHERE THE JOY IS AND THAT JOY LIVES IN ME. Praise God
I would love to see TLC do a video or podcast the explains each book of the Bible. 66 videos of the 66 books.
Loved doing the Bible Recap this year… the first time of making it through the Bible from
Start to finish! I look forward to doing it again in 2025. I have learned so much, and know there are still so many topics to dive in deeper. Thank you TLC for this plan. It’s truly inspirational.
I made a decision that I would read through the Bible in 2024 and not give up as I usually did. I can truly say that with the help of the Bible recap and the Holy Spirit, I have made it through.
As several have said I plan to do it again with Tara-Leigh, this time with the study book. 2025 here we come ;)
I so appreciate your approach and your ability to share the TRUTH and understandable applications and insights. Thank you.